I have many reasons to be thankful everyday.
As most of my friends and family know the past several months have been extremely difficult for me. There have been days when I wonder if I can take another step forward and then some one gives me that helping hand, kind word or heart warming deed. Whether it be a family member, friend or co-worker. For all of you I am thankful. Each and everyone one of you know I am talking about you. So many of you have listened to my 'saga' each day and many of you have just stood there and offered me a Kleenex to wipe the tears away. Some of you have helped Sydney and I out with moving into our new house and I can't tell you how much we appreciate that. Especially all the little 'chores' that have had to be done. I am so appreciate to all of you and words simply cannot express how grateful I am.
There are times that I think all of us are overly critical not only of each other but the human race in general. There truly are kind people out there, people that really care. Sometimes we just don't know who they are until we need to lean on them. To all of you who have 'been there' in whatever way, on behalf of my two girls and I we say 'Thank you!'
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